Newsletter 9/2009

Before the law

My dear friends,

the opening of  my new production "Before the Law", inspired by Franz Kafka, will take place at the Supreme Court of Austria on September 12th at 19h30. It is the world premiere of a contemporary political musical theatre about the Austrian Reality and Justice.
We will perform on the 13., 19., 20., 26., 27. September and the 3rd and 4th of October 2009 at 19h30.
It will be a celebration of different disciplines of performing arts. We will employ mask theatre, acrobatics, singing, acting, music and me, as a clown performer...
The box office is open now... e-mail: or phone +431-7107606
Bring good shoes....

"The luck of the others" by Bruno Schwebel

On September 17th I will perform in the Synagogue of St. Pölten a Hommage to Bruno Schwebel, directed by Eva Brenner.

Kupferblum takes his breakfast

In Autumn 2009 I will continue my breakfast series at the Salon 5, Fünfhausgasse 5, 1150 Vienna. On the 11.10.2009 at 12h I will talk about the "East". It will be funny, political incorrect and highly unconventional....
You are very welcome!