Newsletter June 2011

Springtime News

Dear friends,


at the moment you can see until end of July "The Secretaries" which is being shown at the Opera of Dortmund since September 2010.

Apart from that there are some news about books and DVDs... and lots of preparation works for future projects which I do not reveil yet.

I wish you a pleasant springtime!

Markus Kupferblum

DVD "The abandoned Dido"

Finally the Opera Monologue "The abandoned Dido", the production which has won the Nestroy Award of the City of Vienna in 2007, is available on DVD - including my Speech at the Nestroy Gala as Bonus Track and of course entirely with English Subtitles.

"Questions about the theatre", Edition Atelier, Vienna, 2011

The book "Questions about the theatre", which has just been published in german, contains one chapter about my work, which makes me very happy... even if I am rarely able to give answers in my plays...

DVD "The Secret of the Mountain Parlour"

The breathtaking mountain drama "The Secret of the Mountain Parlour", which had been performed in Austria, Germany, UK, China and Algeria, is now available on DVD. The package includes also the new CD of Netnakisum. Have fun! And it carries English Subtitles!

"Commedia dell'Arte today", Facultas Edition, Vienna

And if someone may ask himself, what I am actually doing now: I am writing on my book "Commedia dell'Arte today", which will be published at the Facultas Edition Vienna, as soon as I will be handing in the manuscript....

Austrian Directors in French

At last: in Paris there is a book in preparation, which will also contain one chapter about my work... am I getting old?