Jubilee 100 - 200 - 50

Dear friends and companions,


Before going to teach in Germany at the Bayrische Theaterakademie August Everding in Munich and at the Staatliche Hochschule für Musik und Darstellender Kunst in Stuttgart, we will show a new Capriccio with our Schlüterwerke in Vienna.

It is a play we developed with our ensemble about the year 1914 in which we combine Charlie Chaplin’s Tramp with the utopists of peace before the first world war.


From 18th September we will show a Bolivian baroque opera „San Ignacio – a jungle opera“ with a  new libretto by Bodo Hell and new music by Renald Deppe at the Hundsturm Theatre in Vienna. More information you will find in the next newsletter.


Having completed my first 50 years yesterday, I am looking forward to the next ones... especially if you would continue to accompany me...I keep you informed about a wild birthday party in September.

Sincerely yours

Markus Kupferblum

"Tramp's Nightmare" - Café Korb, Brandstätte 9, 1010 Vienna, 19.6. to 29.6.2014, 20h

Tramp’s Nightmare


A Hommage to the peace utopists before worldwar one


Café Korb

Brandstätte 9

1010 Vienna


Opening: 19.6.2014, 20h


Further dates:

20.6. bis 29.6., 20h

Thursdays till Sundays


Tickets: ticket@kupferblum.com or Tel.: 01/7107606




Ingala Fortange

Andrea Köhler

Julia Schranz

Therese Cafasso

Béla Bufe

Florian Hackspiel


Video: Eva Eckert

Directed by:

Markus Kupferblum

„The birth of curiosity out of the spirit of revolution – the story of the Commedia dell’Arte as Political Popular Theatre“, Facultas Editor, Vienna

After more than two years of research and writing I proudly present my book about theatre, Commedia dell'Arte and my work, illustrated by Linde Waber, who produced these drawings especially for this book.

Since its publication in January 2014 we have sold almost two thirds of the entire edition.

It is called

The birth of curiosity out of the spirit of revolution - the Commedia dell'Arte as political popular theatre

You can order it right now at Amazon or directly at the editor www.facultas.at.

We had wonderful reviews in "Standard" and the theatre magazin "gift".

I would be happy about your critics at Amazon - it is my first book...

markus@kupferblum.com          https://kupferblum.com